Thursday, August 7, 2008

Something Fishy - P.G Wodehouse

This is a Wodehouse book full of delightful characters and a very intriguing story line. Have you ever heard of Tontine? Well, there is a variation of the standard Tontine here and it involves a bunch of rich people pooling pooling in large sums of money, with the loot going to the son of one of their children, who would be the last of the gen-next to marry. And though this was supposed to be a secret, it is overheard by the house butler and he keeps a tab on the sons of all the lords for the years to come, and towards the end resorting to manipulating them. Throw in some hilarious characters: Lord Uffenham, Butler Keggs, Anne, Hollister, Stanhope Twine, Roscoe Bunyan… all of them have rib-tickling appearances and mannerisms.

Story carries on really well for most of the book. Not that the end is gripping or unpredictable, but it keeps to interested to find out how exactly that inevitable happy ending is going to come about. Sadly, the ending turns out to be a bit too convenient for the otherwise masterfully created story.

But you will have a lot of laughs in this one for sure. Lord Uffenham’s favourite phrase is “Lord Love a duck”!!!! And I picked up one gleaming pearl of wisdom as well: “Poverty is the banana-skin on the doorstep of romance” How true is that!

Well, you will mind many such gems in the book. Read On. Have Fun.

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