Sunday, July 13, 2008

Head of Kays - P.G. Wodehouse

I am on a P.G. Wodehouse rampage. With plenty of work-worries I need to have some light moments in the day… or atleast weekends. And I have no inclination to read a heavy book which is simply taking ages to finish, namely, “The Debt Threat”. I have last 20% of that book to go, but I end my day so sapped, and begin it with such dread, that I have simply not got to picking that book to get done with it.Wodehouse, on the other hand, offers a completely different delight. He doesn’t tax the brain, always has a few laughs to be gobbled on the platter and doesn’t mess with the wisdom of the world. A perfect recipe for my overloaded cerebellum. So, I decided to skip my schedule of books and jumped on to a P.G. Wodehouse book. I decided to go ahead with “The Head of Kays”.Well, the book, while it did offer me some much needed sunshine in the cloud infected day (to try and talk like Wodehouse) the book is seriously not that great. To put down a negative feedback about a Wodehouse book in black and white does hurt me. And such, being a Wodehouse fan, I did enjoy the book. But I am fairly certain that a neutral reader would not have enjoyed the book. There is hardly any plot, which is usually the most absorbing part in a Wodehouse story. The book is just a narration about the proceeding of a term in a school. An irritated head of the house, an irksome housemaster, rowdy school boys… It has all the elements of the other early school-books of P.G. Wodehouse, minus even a semblance of a story. The Prefect’s Uncle, The Gold Bat, had some story and conclusion. Head of Kay’s is just some string of events which loosely tie up to an eventually happy ending. It almost feels like the book was a warm-up routine for the real heavy weights produced by Wodehouse in the later years.Ok, so the story wasn’t that great, and is meant only for a Wodehouse completist. You, naïve human, incapable of savoring the delights of Wodehouse, might not enjoy the book. But I did.

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